Andrea Virág

Director of Strategy


Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy at Republikon Institue. She studied political science at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Law and Political Science; survey statistics at ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences, and history at the ELTE, Faculty of Humanities. Her main interests of research include Hungarian voter behavior and party system, as well as context effects in quantitative research. Previously she has gained experience in quantitative and qualitative research in university projects, participated in the work of the MTA RECENS research group, and she has taught statistics in Sociology and Social Studies BsC at Eötvös Loránd University. She started to work at Republikon in 2016. As a researcher and then as the head of the research, she was responsible for analysis and research at the Institute while also becoming responsible for managing Republikon's international projects and relations