Equality and Diversity

Our policy


Our equality and diversity policy

Republikon Foundation is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture in the workplace. Read about our equality and diversity policy HERE.

Gábor Horn

Chairman of the Board 

Gábor Horn graduated from Marx Károly University of Economical Science in 1980 (now: Corvinus Uni...

Andrea Virág

Director of Strategy 

Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy at Republikon Institue. She studied political science at Eötvö...

Zoltán Ranschburg

Senior analyst 

Zoltán Ranschburg is a public policy expert and senior analyst at the Republikon Institute.He gra...

Márton Schlanger


Márton Schlanger is a researcher at the Republikon Institute. He graduated in 2019 from the Facul...

Dávid Király

Head of the Budapest Workshop 

Dávid Király is a communications expert, urban policy expert and as head of the Budapest Workshop...

Csaba Fűzfa

Policy Expert & Head of Communication 

Csaba Fűzfa is a policy expert at Republikon's Budapest Workshop and is the head of hte Institute...

Ágnes Rét

Programme Coordinator 

Ágnes Rét is Programme Coordinator at the Republic Institute. She joined the Institute on 1 March...

Katalin Kápolnai

International tenders and press relations officer 

Katalin Kápolnai is a PR communications specialist and has been responsible for managing internat...

Dániel Mikecz

Academic Adviser 

Dániel Mikecz is an external scientific advisor to the Institute. He holds a degree in Po...