Everything you wanted to know about the primaries - Report


Everything you wanted to know about the primaries - Report

Republikon Intézet

The online conference organised by Republikon Institute on the primaries has focused on topics such as the common programme by the opposition, online voting and the ways in which the parties collaborate.

The participants of the conference were László Sebián-Petrovszki (DK), Koloman Brenner (Jobbik), Péter Ungár (LMP), Dávid Dorosz (Párbeszéd), Miklós Hajnal (Momentum), and Zsolt Molnár (MSZP). The event was moderated by Andrea Virág (Republikon).

The conference was opened by Gábor Horn, founder of Republikon, who thinks that so far the opposition has done an exceptional work in terms of cooperation among the parties.

All participants of the conference agreed on the fact that the opposition has a real chance of winning on the 2022 elections, which can be seen by the reaction of Fidesz which manifests in the forms of a negative campaign against the opposition.

The opposition should be prepared for presenting an ability to govern after the primaries, which would present the fact that there is a real and capable alternative to Fidesz argued by Zsolt Molnár. The parties at the opposition spend a lot of time together, which is important for figuring out compromises and solving conflicts argued by László Sebián-Petrovszki, which contributed to a problem-solving mechanism among the parties.

The online voting system is not highly threatened by intervention by Fidesz, however, it is important to mobilise voters so that the chances of fraud are minimalised said byMiklós Hajnal, Péter Ungár, and Dávid Dorosz as well.

The opposition has a year to prove themselves to be eligible for governing the country, which is why parties are not only concerned by the primaries but also by the election in 2022. They have to be prepared to present a common front in terms of supporting the winner of the primaries, which is why it is important to present the common programme as soon as possible. An important factor in the programme is that Hungarian citizens will be able to comment on the programme, and that their voices are going to be heard during the campaign. This also shows that if the opposition will be governing from 2022 onwards, that is going to bring about a cultural change in Hungary in terms of politics.



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