Contrary to the illiberal, populist tendencies of the 2010s, there is already a resurgence of democratic forces in the West: In America, Biden won the election, in Canada Justin Trudeau was re-elected, in Norway, after 2013, a left-wing government came to power again, and in Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany, radical, populist forces are also being pushed back. The trend is clear, but will Western changes also affect Central and Eastern Europe?
Republikon Institute is organizing an online round-table discussion with Atlas Network, to have a discussion with liberal experts in the region about the current situation, future, and options for action against illiberal powers. With the help of Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, German and Polish experts, we examine the possibilities of liberalism and the future of the region in the Western world.
- 10:00 Opening
Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy, Republikon Institute
- 10:10 Round table discussion
Blazej Lenkowski, Director, Liberté! (PL)
Ciprian Necula, Operational Director, USR (RO)
Márton Schlanger, Researcher, Republikon Institute (HU)
Viera Zuborova, Executive Director, Bratislava Policy Institute (SK)
Moderator: Andrea Virág, Republikon Institute
- 11:15 Q&A
- 11:30 End of the event
A Republikon működését 2018-21 között az Európai Unió
„Europe for Citizens" programja támogatja.