As opposed to our previous researches, in January we measured the popularity of the party-lists, rather than the popularity of the parties. Our aim was to measure the support of the party-formations, which citizens will be able to vote for in the elections.
41% of the total population would vote for the party-list of Fidesz-KDNP, while 40% would vote for the party list of Egységben Magyarországért, that is the coalition of the opposition parties. The Kétfarkú Kutya Párt has 3% and Mi Hazánk has 2% of the votes. The proportion of uncertain voters is 14%.
Among party voters, the support of both the party-list of Fidesz-KDNP and Egységben Magyarországért is 47%. MKKP and Mi Hazánk has a support of 3% each.
• The data outlines an extremely narrow election. Fidesz’s support is roughly at the same rate as it was in 2018. The opposition parties can reach a similar proportion of voters, thus the difference between the two parties is within a margin of error
• The proportion of uncertain voters fell from 24% to 14%. This is, on the one hand, because the election in April is slowly approaching and the field of candidate parties has stabilized. On the other hand, the uniformity of the opposition list has made giving a response in the research much easier. Fidesz-KDNP and as well as Egységben Magyarországért were able to gain votes from these uncertain voters.
In this month we also measured, whether voters would prefer electing the president directly or by the parliament.
• 60% of the respondents would like the president to be elected directly by the voters, 32% support the current system of the presidential election by the parliament, while 8% were uncertain.
• Almost one-third of Fidesz voters would also prefer the direct election of the president.
In connection with this research, we also examined the notoriety and popularity of Katalin Novák, Fidesz’s presidential nominee.
• 77% of the respondents could articulate an opinion about Katalin Novák.
• 47% of these like her, 53% dislike her, thus she does not exceed the popularity of her own party, nor is she a particularly unpopular politician.
You can find the research HERE.
Methodology: The research was conducted by interviewing 1,000 people by telephone between the 19th and 24th of January. The research is representative of the country's adult population by gender, age, education and type of settlement. Margin of error: +/- 3.2%.
Co-founded by the Europe for Citizens Programme
of the Europen Union