LGBTI people in the European Union

Identity, school abuse, governmental protection


LGBTI people in the European Union

Republikon Intézet

It is not the NGOs, but the students themselves, who bring the LGBTI theme into the schools. In some Member States of the European Union, 69-85 percent of LGBTI society members became clear before the age of 18 that they had an LGBTI identity, so it was not a function of external influence or fashion, the Institute's analysis shows.

The summary is based on data from the EU LGBTI Survey II prepared by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The research included online interviews with nearly 140,000 people aged 15 and over who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) in EU Member States, as well as in the UK, northern Macedonia and Serbia.

It is a sad fact that 44% of LGBTI people in Hungary were ridiculed, insulted and threatened at school for their LGBTI identity, but this proportion is in line with the EU average. If it is not possible to talk about homosexuality in schools, then no change in the above data is expected, minors with LGBTI identity will continue to be subjected to verbal and physical abuse.

The topicality of the analysis is given by the fact that the Orbán government has included passages in the bill that want to punish pedophilia more severely, which are suitable for blurring homosexuality and pedophilia. Several NGOs are protesting against the bill.


You can read the full results HERE!



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of the Europen Union