The surprise of the 2022 parliamentary elections was the large-scale victory of Fidesz and the low mobilization of the opposition. Egységben Magyarországért (united opposition) received nearly 890 000 fewer votes, than did the party-lists of DK, Együtt, Jobbik, LMP, Momentum and MSZP-Párbeszéd all together in 2018. It was rightly assumed during the evaluation of the results that mainly the voters of Jobbik stayed away, they did not vote for the united opposition. In order to get a clearer picture about the behaviour of the voters of Jobbik, in our analysis we examined the proportion of votes in those 20 single-member districts, in which Jobbik achieved its best results in 2018.
You can read the full results HERE!
Co-founded by the Europe for Citizens Programme
of the Europen Union