Although the alarm bells have been ringing in Budapest for years, the government has only just discovered that the capital is facing a housing crisis. New housing is scarce, the government is only subsidising property acquisition, and the financial room for manoeuvre of local authorities is more limited than ever. Housing poverty, one of the most oppressive forms of poverty facing young people in particular today. It is in this context that smart responses to the housing crisis are needed.
In the first part of the round table, we will be joined by Budapest mayors who face the difficulties of the housing crisis in their districts on a daily basis. In the second part of the discussion, experts in housing, urban sociology and real estate development will discuss the causes of the housing crisis and possible solutions.
The event:
Date: Wednesday 11 December 2024, 16:00
Venue: Csányi5, 1077 Budapest, Csányi utca 5.
16:00 Opening
- Gábor Horn, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Institute
16:05 Mayor Panel
- Krisztina Baranyi, Mayor of Ferencváros
- Péter Niedermüller, Mayor of Erzsébetváros
- András Pikó, Mayor of Józsefváros
- Tamás Soproni, Mayor of Terézváros
17:20 Break
17:30 Expert panel
- Vera Kovács, Director, BFVK Zrt., Housing Agency
- Eszter Somogyi, sociologist-economist, Városkutatás Kft.
- Gáborné Székely, Head of the Housing Statistics Division, KSH
- Éva Tóth, Head of the Erzsébet Family Transition Home
- Balázs Váradi, Senior Researcher at the Budapest Institute
Technical information:
- The event is open to the public and will be held in Hungarian.
- The event is free of charge, please register your interest in attending by filling in the form:
- The event will be live streamed on the Republikon Facebook page and the link will be shared in the Facebook event!
We are looking forward to welcoming you on Wednesday 11 December at 16:00 at Csányi5!
Republikon is supported by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed at this event do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the funding organisation can be held responsible for them.