The state’s role during current crises | 14/09/2023

Conference organised by Republikon Institute and the European Liberal Forum


The state’s role during current crises | 14/09/2023

Republikon Intézet

The aim of the conference – organised by Republikon Institute and the European Liberal Forum – is to present how the modern state could help during multiple crises and what the new economic roles of the state are, evaluate the post-covid recovery policies and state interventions from this aspect and find liberal answers to the identified challenges. We will discuss how liberal policies could react to the polycrisis and how we could answer to these crises in a liberal way.

Venue and date of the event:

- Magvető Café, address: 13 Dohány utca, 1074 Budapest
- 14 September 2023, 10:00 CET


10:00 | Welcome of ELF representative, member of Board of Directors

10:10 | The role of the state – examples from Europe

Sergio Boccadutri, Board Member, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
Lukas Sustala, Director, NEOS LAB
Michael Fanta, Chief Analyst, CETA
Éva Palócz, CEO, Kopint-Tárki

11:30 | Coffee break

11:45 | Debate – The responsibilities of the state in the current crises

Péter Mihályi, Economist, Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Zoltán Pogátsa, associate professor, University of Sopron

13:00 | End of the event

The event will be moderated by Péter Bukcsy, economic journalist.

Technical informations:

Working languages: English and Hungarian. Simultaneous translation will be provided for both sections.

The event is free, please register here, and respond in the Facebook event.

You will receive a confirmation of your registration by email, which will be required at the entrance.


This event is organised by Republikon and the European Liberal Forum with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content, or for any use that may be made of it.