Invitation: The future belongs to the youth - but do they want it?


Invitation: The future belongs to the youth - but do they want it?

Republikon Intézet

The invitation to the event is available at the following link.

It is almost a truism that young people are not interested in politics and that it is almost impossible to reach them, but the student protests of recent years, the growth of student organisations and their public activity contradict this. The Republican Institute's youth conference will focus on young people's involvement in politics and their views on the recent European elections. The conference will also present the results of a new international research project which not only looked at the political activity of young people in Italy, Poland and Hungary, but also at the channels through which young people engage with public life.


In the international panel of our event, experts from the three countries involved in the research will present the results from their countries, followed by a round table discussion to analyse the data.

In the Hungarian part of the conference, youth researchers and representatives of youth organisations active in politics will talk about the political participation of young Hungarians.

Date and location of the event:

- Wednesday 16 October 2024, 10:00-13:00

- 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 13.

The planned programme:

10:00 - Opening

- Gábor Horn, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republikon Institute and Milosz Hodun Board Member of ELF

10:10 - International panel in English

- Antonio Casella - R.I.D.E. (Rete Italiana per il Dialogo Euro-mediterraneo) (Italy),

- Milosz Hodun - Project: Polska! (Poland)

- Márton Schlanger - Republikon Institute (Hungary)

11:30 - Break

12:00 - Hungarian panel

- Lili Aschenbrenner, activist, Fridays For Future

- Georgina Kiss-Kozma, Research Manager, Institute for Youth Research

- Ádám Nagy, youth researcher, Executive Director of Excenter Research and Development Centre

- Andrea Szabó, Institute Director, Social Science Research Centre

Technical information:

- The event is open to the public, the international panel will be in English and the home panel in Hungarian.
- The event will be broadcast live on the Republikon Institute and on the event's Facebook page.
- The discussion will take place in Hungarian and English, and simultaneous interpreters will be provided for both panels.

The event is free of charge, please register your interest by clicking on the link below.

elf NEW 2019

An event organised by the European Liberal Forum EUPF (ELF). Co-funded by the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content of the programme or for any use that may be made of it. The views expressed herein are those of the speaker(s) alone. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the European Parliament and/or the European Liberal Forum EUPF.