State of the Hungarian Far-Right after the Election

Geographic dispersion of Mi Hazánk’s base – a comperative study


State of the Hungarian Far-Right after the Election

Republikon Intézet

On April 3rd, what surprised analysts was not simply the two-thirds victory of Fidesz-KDNP, or the weak showing on United for Hungary, but the fact that the Mi Hazánk Movement got into the Parliament. Not many were expecting it. Having received 5,88% of the vote, they gained 6 seats in Parliament, thus – locked head-to-head with Párbeszéd –, they form the seventh largest faction, larger than LMP. The newest analysis from Republikon Institute is seeking answers to these surprising developments, utilizing different methods to get to the bottom of what could have caused the strong showing of Mi Hazánk.

You can read the whole publication HERE.