Invitation: The American neoconservatism and Europe in the light of the US presidential election


Invitation: The American neoconservatism and Europe in the light of the US presidential election

Republikon Intézet

Radical conservative movements in the US and Europe are intertwined: in our globalised political environment, successful trends spread easily and quickly across borders and have the potential to influence political dynamics everywhere. These transatlantic links are becoming increasingly institutionalised, and Hungary plays a key role in this: the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) events in Budapest, or the biannual Demographic Summits, for example, are important meeting points for international conservative elites.

Usa Ang Jo

In our conference, we will look at the relationship between the new conservatism in the US and Europe and what it can bring to Europe, including Hungary. In the light of the US presidential election on 5 November, we will review the current state of transatlantic conservative relations with our expert guests and discuss how they might influence European and Hungarian politics in the future.

In the framework of the conference, Ricardo Silvestre and Zsolt Kerner will present their analytical study  Protecting democracy from the radical conservative transatlantic movement, published in 2023.

Date and location of the event:

- Thursday 7 November 2024, 10:00-14:00

- 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 13.

The planned programme:

10:00 - Opening

- Gábor Horn, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republikon Institute and Milosz Hodun Board Member of ELF

10:10 - International panel in English

- Milosz Hodun, expert from the Polish association Projekt: Polska (Poland)

- Zsolt Kerner, political journalist of (Hungary)

- Ricardo Silvestre, senior policy researcher and international affairs expert at the Portuguese Movimento Liberal Social, European Liberal Forum (Italy)

12:00 Break

12:15 Domestic panel

- Péter Balázs, Professor Emeritus of CEU, former Foreign Minister and EU Commissioner

- Zoltán Balázs, Research Professor at the Institute of Political Science, Centre for Social Science Research

- László Seres, journalist, publicist

- Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy, Republikon Institute

Technical information:

- The event is open to the public, the international panel will be in English and the home panel in Hungarian.
- The event will be broadcast live on the Republikon Institute and on the event's Facebook page.
- The discussion will take place in Hungarian and English, and simultaneous interpreters will be provided for both panels.

The event is free of charge, please register your interest by clicking on the link below.

elf NEW 2019

An event organised by the European Liberal Forum EUPF (ELF). Co-funded by the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content of the programme or for any use that may be made of it. The views expressed herein are those of the speaker(s) alone. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the European Parliament and/or the European Liberal Forum EUPF.