Republikon’s Party Preference Research in July 2023



Republikon’s Party Preference Research in July 2023

Republikon Intézet

"Even inflation above 20 percent cannot harm Fidesz's popularity" - Telex was the first to report on the latest July survey of Republikon Institute.

The main findings of the report are the following: 

- In July, Fidesz-KDNP's support continued to decline by 2 percentage points both within the overall population and among party voters. Currently, their support stands at 31 and 44 percent, respectively. The government has recently taken a number of measures that could damage its popularity, including the adoption of the “status law”, the abolition of the price cap on certain products, and the reform of the family support system. All this is exacerbated by the unfavourable economic situation, in which the government's economic policies also play a significant role. Nevertheless, outside the campaign period, support for the governing party tends to decline and then increase as the elections approach. Despite the slight decline, Fidesz-KDNP continues to confidently lead the party race.

- DK's support has declined slightly in recent months, but in July they gained 1% among the total population and 2% among party voters. DK remains the strongest party in the opposition, with 13 percent of the total population and 18 percent of party voters currently voting for the party. 

-Momentum's support has not changed in the past month, with 6 percent of the total population and 9 percent of party voters still showing willingness to vote for the party. 

-The support for Mi Hazánk has increased within the margin of error, by 1 percentage point among both the total population and party voters, with 6 and 8 percent respectively currently favouring the party. The popularity of Mi Hazánk has fluctuated slightly in the past few months, but overall it has remained at a similar level. For now, Mi Hazánk is unable to match the popularity of its own late 2022 self, or regain its second place in the opposition ranking from Momentum. 

-The MKKP's support among the total population has decreased by 1%, but is unchanged among party voters, with 4% and 6% currently voting for the party, thus maintaining its parliamentary seat. 

-The MSZP's support has also remained unchanged, with 4 percent of the total population and 5 percent of party voters saying they would back the party if an election were to be held this Sunday. 

-The LMP's support among the total population is also unchanged, while it has dropped by 1 percentage point among party voters, with 3 and 4 percent within these populations respectively.  

-Jobbik's support has not changed and remains at 3 and 4 percent, respectively.

-Párbeszéd would still be voted for by 2-2 percent of the total population and party voters. 

-The share of undecided voters has increased to 28 percent.

Methodology: the survey was conducted by telephone interviews with the inclusion of 1000 people between 14-25 July. The survey is representative of the adult population of the country by gender, age, education and type of municipality. Margin of error: +/- 3.2%. 

The full report is available HERE 

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