• Summary: Are you ready, Europe?

    Opening speach: Gábor Horn To the Rig...More
  • Both Tisza and Fidesz got stronger, 5 parties would get into Parliament

    January used to be a favourite month ...More
  • Evolution of voter values in Hungary

    The year 2024 reminded us how quickly...More

Analyses and research

Analyses and research

Campaign for Germany
On February 23, this Sunday, the polls open in Germany for early elections following the break-up of the SPD-FDP-Green coalition, dubbed as the “traffic light” coalition after the parties’ colors, at the end of last year. As at the time of writing this analysis the polls have not yet taken place, we do not know the results, however, the election...

Evolution of voter values in Hungary
The year 2024 reminded us how quickly the balance of power between parties can shift, even suddenly and unpredictably. The party preferences of Hungarian voters changed radically in 2024, with support for the governing parties falling sharply and the Tisza Party upending the opposition voter base. In contrast to party preferences, voters' values...

End-of-year public opinion polls
"2023 has not brought any earth-shattering changes in terms of party support." – This is how Republikon Institute’s December 2023 end-of-year review starts. Who would have thought then that within three months, the governing parties would lose their president and justice minister, opposition protests would be staged, some of them reaching hundre...

The choice of the new generation
• Our analysis is based on a three-country youth research, in the framework of which the Republikon Institute, in cooperation with its Polish and Italian partners, investigated - among other things - the participation of young people in the 2024 European Parliament elections and in the election campaign, as well as in the the problems considered...

A Closer Look at Renew’s EP Election Results
-The 2024 European Parliament elections brought along several changes in the composition of the EP. By the number of seats lost, Renew Europe was the biggest loser of the vote, while parties belonging to the political extreme right managed to increase their number of MEPs.-There are several differences between the composition of the Renew group ...

Both Tisza and Fidesz got stronger, 5 parties would get into Parliament
January used to be a favourite month for politicians and political pundits because, after a long year, "nothing ever happened" in politics this month. Politicians used to take their holidays before the parliamentary season and the Prime Minister's holiday in India would certainly not have been a curiosity, at most it would have compromised the i...

Tisza is in the lead, Mi Hazánk, DK and MKKP above parliamentary threshold
This autumn, public opinion polls have drawn great attention. The primary reason for this is that for the first time in many years, a single party has managed to surpass the governing parties in popularity. Across the entire research market, it can be stated that the Tisza Party's disadvantage is at least diminishing, and in many cases, its popu...

Fidesz and the Tisza go head to head
The past summer was politically more eventful than usual. Hungary’s first double election shook the political status quo, while the Tisza Party was preoccupied with building a background organization that matched its political weight. Meanwhile, Hungary’s rotating EU presidency began, coinciding with a series of foreign and economic policy kamik...

10 percent between Fidesz and Tisza
The period ahead will be about, among other things, the transformation of the party system and planning for 2026. Two important questions arise in this context, one is who will represent the significant number of left-wing voters in 2026, and the other is whether Péter Magyar and the TISZA Party can organise themselves into a nationwide organisa...

After the low point in April, Fidesz-KDNP has slightly strengthened
"After the amnesty case and Péter Magyar's burst into the scene, Fidesz-KDNP's support was at a low point not seen for years at the end of March. A couple of weeks later, they achieved an increase within the margin of error: among the total population, the government party's voter base increased by 2 percentage points (27%), and among party vote...


Our colleagues

Gábor Horn

Chairman of the Board 

Gábor Horn graduated from Marx Károly University of Economical Science in 1980 (now: Corvinus Uni...

Andrea Virág

Director of Strategy 

Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy at Republikon Institue. She studied political science at Eötvö...

Zoltán Ranschburg

Senior analyst 

Zoltán Ranschburg is a public policy expert and senior analyst at the Republikon Institute.He gra...

Márton Schlanger


Márton Schlanger is a researcher at the Republikon Institute. He graduated in 2019 from the Facul...

Dávid Király

Head of the Budapest Workshop 

Dávid Király is a communications expert, urban policy expert and as head of the Budapest Workshop...

Csaba Fűzfa

Policy Expert & Head of Communication 

Csaba Fűzfa is a policy expert at Republikon's Budapest Workshop and is the head of hte Institute...

Ágnes Rét

Programme Coordinator 

Ágnes Rét is Programme Coordinator at the Republic Institute. She joined the Institute on 1 March...

Katalin Kápolnai

International tenders and press relations officer 

Katalin Kápolnai is a PR communications specialist and has been responsible for managing internat...

Dániel Mikecz

Academic Adviser 

Dániel Mikecz is an external scientific advisor to the Institute. He holds a degree in Po...


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